What’s one thing I could do differently?

Be coachable. Ask this question. It will give your boss an opportunity to tell you point blank about how to improve (particularly helpful if your boss is not good at giving you direction or constructive criticism). Take the response seriously and it will probably improve your everyday work life as well as what you hear during your next performance review.

Source: This article from The Muse

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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One thought on “What’s one thing I could do differently?”

  1. Big thumbs up for this question. At the end of all my 1-1 meetings I try to ask “What can I do better/differently?” However, I don’t think you should just be asking your boss this. Perhaps more importantly, you should ask those on your team/those you lead. Not only are these people often more closely involved with your work, but they are probably less likely to give you feedback unless you invite it explicitly. Modelling that openness is a big part of creating psychological safety in your team (see Amy Edmonson, and/or “What Google Learned From its Quest to Build the Perfect Team”). If those you lead can relay their feedback directly they won’t feel frustrated or cynical–provided you actually listen to and implement their changes! Heck, you could even ask your partner/friends this, so they have the chance to tell you how you can best support and relate to them.

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