If you could have an “everyday super power” what would you choose?

I LOVE this question. But let’s get something straight first. Flying is not an everyday super power. Neither is mind control or time travel. Those are too crazy. But when my friend says that he would always want to know what time it was without having to look at a watch or clock, that’s an everyday superpower. Or when a member of my coworking space says that she would want to be able to feel awesome after just 1 hour of sleep every night, that’s everyday. Faster than a speeding bullet? Nope, off limits. Always know where there’s an open parking spot? Now we’re talking!

Source: WBQ Original

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One thought on “If you could have an “everyday super power” what would you choose?”

  1. Great question. I really like the distinction of ‘everyday super power’ – I feel like this will encourage people to think about the little things they appreciate in day-to-day life, and also start a lot of fun debates over what qualifies as an everyday super power.

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