Who at school is most likely to be arrested? A standup comedian? A millionaire?

Arrested. Haha. That’s what caught my eye about this series of questions. It’s edgy enough perhaps to get a response! You know? Throw ’em a curveball! Follow up with these other career categories and if it goes well, try out: “What future would your friends say is most likely for you?”

Source: Liz Evans is at it again with an article on the Huffington Post

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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One thought on “Who at school is most likely to be arrested? A standup comedian? A millionaire?”

  1. I like the idea of this question, but not the specifics. I think it has the danger of falling into too many stereotypes. What about: Who’s the most surprising person you know at school? What surprised you about them? Think of the person you like the least at school – what do you think they might be doing in 10 years? I would want to encourage positive thinking even about those we don’t like around us and to remind my teenager that people are often deeper and more complex than they seem.

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