Every few years do you become restless with your work and wonder if you should switch to something that makes more of a difference in the world? Do you exercise religiously for 3 months straight and then hardly at all for the next 15 until you sternly recommit to the importance of working out again (for 3 months)? Are you drawn, continually, to writing? (Guilty on 3 counts over here in my corner.) These are patterns that I see in my life. What are yours? They could be any range of things. Maybe you’re repeatedly asked to take leadership roles. Maybe you’ve had a string of bad bosses. Maybe you feel a strong urge to travel abroad every few years. These cycles are not necessarily positive or negative; they’re just patterns. And when it comes to self-awareness, I think patterns are worth finding.
Source: A friend of mine recently convened a “Clearness Committee” (a Quaker tradition) to help with her job transition and I was lucky enough to participate that day
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