When was the last time that you had to build up your courage to do something?

#11 on this really great list points out that courage is not something we need to have at all times. To have a really fantastic life, in fact, we only need to be courageous every now and then for like 20 seconds at a time, max. That’s usually the amount of time it takes to make that uncomfortable phone call, or finish speaking the actual sentence where you ask your boss for a raise, or walk over to that person you’ve been wanting to meet. You don’t have to walk through life as a constantly courageous person. You just have to be able to build up enough courage for that 20 second sprint. So when was the last time you had to build up your courage to do something?

Source: Inspired by this solid list on Medium of 50 ways to be happier, healthier, and more successful

Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!

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