Can we talk about people we know personally?

I’m thinking of Thanksgiving dinner conversations as I write this one. And I’m thinking of the terribly contentious presidential election we’re all just emerging from. I know there are a lot of folks out there who are dreading the prospect of a political food fight erupting at the dinner table. If things start to get heated, you could always just change the subject. (“How about those Cubs finally winning it all?! Am I right, Uncle Breitbart?”) But I’ve never seen that work really well, myself. And it’s probably not productive. We DO NEED to be talking with each other. We DO NEED to listen across the party lines that exist even within our own families (ESPECIALLY within our own families!). But it’s difficult to hear each other when blood pressures rise and people start unholstering their talking points. Talking points… Pshh. Talk about a guaranteed waste of time. Instead, if you can’t (or don’t want to) avoid the political conversation, try this one: “Can we talk about people we know personally?” And follow it up with, “Because I’m thinking of my fishing buddy, Michael, who hasn’t had full-time hours at the plant in over a year.” Or, “Because I’m thinking of my dear friend Janice who is scared that her marriage will be invalidated…again.” Return over and over to ACTUAL PEOPLE YOU KNOW PERSONALLY. It’s disarming. Actual people are Kryptonite to talking points. If you keep the conversation about the people in your lives, both sides can end up with something productive even if you don’t ever agree. You’ll at least start to understand each other’s worldviews.

Source: WBQ Original

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