Want to come to [x] with me on [y]?

[x] = coffee, [y] = Tuesday
[x] = my church, [y] = Sunday morning
[x] = the potluck, [y] = next weekend

A very wise acquaintance once wrote that she makes it a personal policy NOT to debate religion or politics with someone UNLESS she is in relationship with that person. “In relationship” means that you’ve gotten to know more about a person than merely the candidate they voted for 4 years ago. You’ve interacted with them in various settings. You’ve eaten meals together. You’ve laughed about something together (even if you wouldn’t call each other friends). Arguing faith or politics outside of relationship is only half a step above fighting on the internet with someone’s avatar in the comments section. It’s just pointless. Which is why this [x][y] question matters so much. Fill the x and y however you want. But ask the question so you can BE IN RELATIONSHIP and your disagreements will be productive.

Source: WBQ Original inspired by Tara Livesay’s Blog

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