What intangible quality is this ad selling? How would I get that quality without money?

Every single advertisement in every single medium (web, mobile, print, tv, radio…) is always selling two things at once. First, it’s selling the widget (a car, a laptop, a beer, a cosmetic surgery…) but second, and more importantly, it’s selling an intangible quality that you in your humanity want dearly.

Respect: It’s what people feel for people who drive Audi’s.

Creative and relevant: How could you NOT be when you’ve got the Macbook Helium now with zero ports. That’s right. No ports. You’ll never charge your laptop again. Because you can’t. Because we literally removed all the ports.

Beautiful and wanted: If you don’t feel like you’re ever good enough, it’s probably because you’ve never tried Cool Sculpting! (Seriously, though. WTF is cool sculpting? Those guys are on the radio non-stop these days…)

When an ad catches your attention, ask yourself what intangible behind the widget is being sold. Then ask yourself how you would earn that trait, not by buying it (cuz it doesn’t’ work that way), but by making it a part of your character. Respect: In the last 6 months, where could I have done better to keep my word? Creativity: What daily habit should I start to keep me writing consistently? Beauty: What practices will make me more comfortable and confident in my own skin?

Buying more stuff can make you a consumer. That is all that it can make you.

Source: WBQ Original

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One thought on “What intangible quality is this ad selling? How would I get that quality without money?”

  1. you should write a book about this question

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