Here’s another gem from Tim Ferriss’s podcast. (It’s tax time so I’ve been binging on podcasts while catching up on business bookkeeping. Tim has added a lot of great questions to his repertoire since I last tuned in!) I have two answers to this question. 1) My business and social venture, HaitiHub, has demanded a very significant amount of time, energy, and money over the past six years that it’s been my full time work. But HaitiHub has taught me so much about entrepreneurship, about design, about business models, and about creating a thing for real people. And it’s been such an honor to build up and serve our community of language learners. And in the strict sense of the word “investment,” I feel good that HaitiHub can conceivably continue creating impact and income over the long haul. 2) Investing in my (sometimes torturous) long-distance relationship with Emily from 2006 to 2011 meant hundreds upon hundreds of emails, many mismatched time zone phone calls, many used up vacation days and sick days, and honestly, a considerable amount of heartache at different points. But our marriage now is a wonderful and humbling thing. It pays dividends out in joy. Best investment I’ll probably ever make.
Source: The Tim Ferriss Podcast
Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!