What is your very earliest memory?

I spent a lot of time this past weekend with the two-year-old son of one of my close friends from church. I saw the little guy on the first day he was born and I’ve seen him several times a month ever since. This is the first time in my adulthood that I’ve watched an infant develop like this. The little dude is just hilarious now. In the past 6 months he’s become so much more verbal and has started to show so much more of his personality (loves throwing frisbees and bouncing balls, is silly and active, but is also cautious with new things…) Anyway, as he cracked up about the frisbee game we were playing yesterday, I wondered… “Is there even a chance of him remembering this?” My earliest memory is from four years old; it’s of my sister and I playing in our apartment complex. I can’t remember a single thing before that. Can you?

Source: Inspired by my two-year-old bud who will remain nameless for internet anonymity

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