What makes you feel rich?

There are multi-millionaires who feel like they can barely scrape by in life. They’re stressed and anxious about money. If you asked them if they’re rich, they would say absolutely not. This fact is important to remember.

I am definitely not a millionaire but I’ve gotta tell you this: My wife and I were driving home from Trader Joe’s the other weekend and we’d spent exactly $51.92. In the car with us we had red lentils, ricotta cheese, light champagne salad dressing, whole garlic, pizza dough (2 of them), pork potstickers, handmade tortillas, fresh Serrano salsa, pie crusts, lemons, extra large red bell peppers, a bottle of red wine… the list goes on. And man, I just felt – like aking. I did. I felt rich. And since then, I’ve noticed that bringing awesome ingredients home to cook up at our house does it for me every time. You’re not rich unless you feel rich. What does it for you?

Source: WBQ Original

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