It’s a very specific question and it can’t be answered with a yes/no. Your little one will have to reflect a bit on the day and his/her answer will open up lots of possible follow up questions. “Cool. What does that word mean? Why did the class talk about that word so much?”
Source: Liz Evans article on The Huffington Post Parenting
Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!
I love quirky questions like this for young kids. It catches them off guard, because it’s not a typical “Adult” question. Be prepared for a touch of awkwardness as they sort through what you just asked them, but stick it out. Say “No, I really want to know!” Asking this question shows you have interest in the mundane of their life, and also that you are trying to see the world from their perspective.