I’ve put this question in the category of things to ask someone you disagree with. But when you ask it, you don’t need to make the question about politics or religion or whatever topic on which you don’t see eye to eye. (In fact, it’s probably better to leave it open-ended.) The usefulness of this question comes in 1) remembering that changes of heart and changes of mind ARE actually possible, 2) seeing HOW your counterpart was persuaded and better understanding what kinds of new information he finds persuasive, and 3) acknowledging, even in an indirect way, that YOU yourself have not always been right about every issue. And it doesn’t even matter what the issue is. It could be the most “trivial” thing. If I used to think that Diet Coke was good but now I think it’s unhealthy and that regular Coke is better, talking about that process of change will still help the tone of our dialog when conversations swing back to weightier issues.
Source: The Tim Ferriss Podcast
Have you asked this question? How did it go? Do you have advice for how best to ask it? PLEASE RATE! AND WRITE A REVIEW (in the comment box below)!