What’s something that you’re genuinely embarrassed to admit is a guilty pleasure?

Dave Grohl has a profanity laced quote that I really appreciate. It’s a long quote but it boils down to these first two sentences. “I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you fucking like something, like it.” (Here’s the quote in full. I point you to it so as not to increase the F’bomb count here on WBQ by 10x in a single post.) I think he’s right on. So I’m working on really owning the things that I like even if there’s something about them that embarrasses me. This question, “What’s your guilty pleasure?” has mostly lost its edge because we live in hipster times, and throwback culture, and the term “guilty pleasure” is commonplace. So if someone says, “Oh jeez, well I’m so embarrassed but… I like listening to Backstreet Boys on cassette,” it doesn’t automatically strike me as a huge confession. Liking Backstreet Boys on cassette probably makes you the coolest person in more than a handful of circles. When people hear “What’s your guilty pleasure,” I think the meaning has shifted enough that we are actually answering the unrelated question: “What is quirky-endearing about you?” Quirky/endearing is not guilt inducing. For me, as a liberal arts English major, when among other English majors I’ve often left The Fountainhead off of my favorite books list. In that circle, The Fountainhead is taboo as all getout. Ayn Rand is universally trashed. Admitting that I loved it at first read and still re-read it now makes me worry that people won’t take me (or what I write) seriously. It makes me worry about not being accepted. I feel guilty of having done something wrong. That’s a guilty pleasure. Guilt. But I’m working on it…

Source: WBQ Original

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